Living with Gussto!

During the spring of 2016, when the world seemed so divided with the political battles and deep divisions, I escaped by going outside to my back porch, where there was no television, electronics, or other worldly distractions. There was my garden, our trees, the small lake, the critters and birds, and my morning was filled with bird harmonies, gentle breezes, and peace. I loved watching the critters perform playful antics, and the world - for that moment - was a happy place in my peaceful space.
It was here that I made the decision to create my own world, one where I wanted to live, where all characters and creation connected and got along with love and respect. I took pictures, never with the intent of sharing, but just to remember the delightful moment in my backyard. I wrote, illustrated, and developed a world filled with wonderment in the miracle of this earth. In my stories, all endings are happy, and all characters are good, and everyone gets along. All discover the good in themselves and others by being in touch with nature. They pursue their dreams and live their life with vigor, joy, and excitement, learning life lessons and helping each other along the way.
That is what I call “Living with Gussto." It's my perfect little world, and I learned that I (along with all the rest of us) create the worlds where we live by how we spend our time and where we send our mind. Mine is a safe, positive, uplifting place where all are welcomed and honored.
Because if we all do this
At the same time,
Then it is so
For all
in that moment.
Then we multiply the moments, and before we know it, they take over.
And so begins our journey into backyard tales with one of the stories from my book. I will be releasing this as it's own short book in the near future, but it is available as a download free for a short time only. To download The Lady Lily and Curt the Crow, click the picture and go to my online store, You will find it there between May 21 and 28, 2019. Enjoy Living with Gussto!
Lady Lily Curt the Crow