Living with Gussto promotes positive energy through gratitude, nature, fun, love, music, art, and highlighting those who do the same - oh...along with some bagpipes.
Books, Blogs, and Bagpipes!
That, my friends, is Living with Gussto!

What Now?
A Lenten Journey for 2022
Ash Wednesday - March 2, 2022
What Now? Week 1
March 6, - March 12, 2022
As we emerge from these past few years of craziness, how can we tell up from down? Everything is so topsy turvy.
It’s down to the ultimate and eternal conflicts in our world, our country, our church, and ourselves.
Will we make it? How do we know? Oh, there are so many questions, messages, conflicts, and judgments bombarding us on all fronts.
We are dealing with all the classics from the beginning of time:
Good vs. Evil. God vs. Devil. Man vs. Man. Man vs. God. Man vs. Himself. Man vs. Society.
How can we discern truth and make sure we’re on the right path as God designed it? What are we to do as Christians following Christ and living in these wacko times?

WHAT NOW? is a journey of finding God’s path for us as individuals and as a church community. These past few years have been a bumpy ride for most of us, and now we find ourselves living in times no one could have predicted. How do we respond? Which sides to we take? Do we even take sides? What will happen if we do or if we don’t? Our world, country, church, family, and selves are in crisis. Therefore, it’s time to stop, take a step back, reflect on God’s word, and live life accordingly.
This is a journey we will need to take together so that we can process, plan, reflect, and discuss difficult topics and come to peace with where we are and where we are going.
Each week, we will focus on one guiding question.
What does it look like Now?

For this activity, you will need:
Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are
Your Bible:
2 Corinthians 11:14-15​
Isaiah 5:20
Matthew 7:15-19
Article Links:
Google "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" and/or "disguises of evil
Reflection, Response, Prayers (Found at end of "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are"
Weekly Activity Note Sheet
Podcast: Click here